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Services I Use/Love the most 😍

I Just love Open Source Projects 💖. I believe in “Knowledge should be accessible to everyone”, and services should be transparent to their users. Furthermore, I also believe that Privacy should be the default option for everyone. People should be aware of who has access to their personal data and how it is being used. That's comes with Open Source projects and being transparent with your motive. So whatever services I use are basically based on these principles. I'll add more in the future :)

🔗 Every link of this list opens in a new tab :)
🕛 Published: 16 June, 2023. Last updated: 1 July, 2023.
🤔 Suggestions or Corrections? ContactMe⇗

  1. LibreWolf⇗: An Open Source, hardened version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom. Basically a better version of Firefox. uBlock Origin⇗ is already included out of the box.
  2. Mull⇗: An Open Source, hardened version of Firefox, but for Android. With the same primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom.
  3. Tor Browser⇗: The Tor network is a group of volunteer-operated servers that allows you to connect for free and improve your privacy and security on the Internet. A tool that allows users to isolate each website they visit, preventing third-party trackers and ads from following them. Basically as anonymous as you can get on the internet.
  4. 🔴Some insight:
    • I hate google. so, I don't use chromium based browsers :)
    • On iOS every browser uses safari webkit because of apple's enforced rule (classic apple). so just use safari :)
  1. Brave Search⇗: A Privacy focused search engine made by the team who made Brave Browser⇗. It was using third party APIs to show the 13% of search results, but now they have gone totally independent and showing search results on their own index's.
  2. SearX⇗: SearX is an Open Source and free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Users are neither tracked nor profiled. Additionally, searx can be used over Tor⇗ for online anonymity.
  1. ProtonMail⇗: Proton Mail is an Open Source email service with a focus on privacy, encryption, security, and ease of use. They have been in operation since 2013. Proton AG is based in Genève, Switzerland. (learn more about Swiss privacy laws⇗)
  2. Tutanota⇗: An Open Source email service with a focus on security and privacy through the use of encryption. Tutanota has been in operation since 2011 and is based in Hanover, Germany.
  1. Mullvad⇗: Mullvad is an Open Source, fast with serious focus on transparency and security. They have really strict No-Log policy. One time the Swedish Police visited the Mullvad VPN office in Gothenburg with a search warrant. They intended to seize computers with customer data, but they did not found anything (lol).
  2. ProtonVPN⇗: Proton VPN is an Open Source VPN service with a focus on privacy, encryption, security, and ease of use. They have strict No-Log policy. They have a Free plan, but the speeds are not that fast compare to paid ones.
  1. Bitwarden⇗: An Open-source & free password manager. Bitwarden is among the best and safest solutions to store all of your logins and passwords while conveniently keeping them synced between all of your devices.
  2. KeePass⇗: The free, Open source and light-weight password manager. This service is for the people who know what they are doing, but there is tone of information and guides are available on the Internet to start with.
  1. LanguageTool⇗: An Open-source & free multilingual spelling, style, and grammar checker that helps correct or paraphrase texts. Add-One's available for every major browser.
  2. 🚫 If you are using Grammarly than please stop. That thing is literally filled with trackers and data harvesting tools.
  1. Syncthing⇗: an open-source peer-to-peer continuous file synchronization utility. It is used to synchronize files between two or more devices over the local network or the internet.